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3DENT Technology LLC is a registered professional engineering firm based in Houston, TX; providing consulting, engineering, and design services to the offshore oil and gas industry and other energy related industries. 3DENT’s focus is on providing the client with responsive service and high quality engineering. 3DENT has a team of engineers and naval architects with experience in the analysis and design of jackups, liftboats, WTIVs, semisubmersibles, drillships, fixed platforms, FPIs and FOWTs.

General Structural
3DENT has extensive experience in general structural work. Work is typically performed utilizing advanced finite element analyses. 3DENT maintains a suite of general finite element programs including ANSYS, SACS, and SAP2000.
3DENT has experience in the following standard analyses:
Global Analysis of Jackups, Fixed Platforms and Floaters
Elevated Analysis of Jackups and Liftboats (Elevated Ratings)
Afloat Leg Strength Analysis
Buckling Analysis
Nomograms and Cantilever Load Charts
Fatigue Analysis
Life Extension Studies
3DENT has experience in the analysis and design of:
Jackups, Liftboats, Semisubmersibles, Fixed Platforms, SPARS, and Drillships
Cantilever Beams and Extensions
Living Quarters
Lifeboat Davits
Crane Foundations
Drill Floors and Sub-base Structures
3DENT has experience in the following standard analyses:
Global Analysis of Jackups, Fixed Platforms and Floaters
Elevated Analysis of Jackups and Liftboats (Elevated Ratings)
Afloat Leg Strength Analysis
Buckling Analysis
Nomograms and Cantilever Load Charts
Fatigue Analysis
Life Extension Studies
3DENT has experience in the analysis and design of:
Jackups, Liftboats, Semisubmersibles, Fixed Platforms, SPARS, and Drillships
Cantilever Beams and Extensions
Living Quarters
Lifeboat Davits
Crane Foundations
Drill Floors and Sub-base Structures

3DENT has broad experience in hydrodynamic studies of numerous vessel types including Jackups, Liftboats, Semisubmersibles, Drillships, FOWTs, barges and SWATH vessels. 3DENT’s specific expertise lies in our knowledge of the behavior of floating bodies. Hydrodynamic analyses are performed utilizing WAMIT, OrcaWave and ANSYS AQWA. Analyses are also performed utilizing CFD and SPH when free surface effects are significant.

Naval Architecture
3DENT’s experience extends to general naval architecture services. This includes:
Intact and Damage Stability
Development of Loading Conditions and Forms
Tank Tables
Lines Plans
Marine Operations Manual Development/Review
Intact and Damage Stability
Development of Loading Conditions and Forms
Tank Tables
Lines Plans
Marine Operations Manual Development/Review

Site Specific Assessments
3DENT has completed over 100 site specific assessments of jackups, liftboats, and WTIVs, covering all major operating regions in the world. Site-Specific Assessments (SSA-Es) are performed to ISO 19905-1. 3DENT maintains a database of detailed finite element models covering every major jackup design in operation today.

Seismic Analysis of Jackups
3DENT has extensive experience in performing Seismic Screening assessments of jackups to ISO 19905-1 and ISO 19901-2. 3DENT maintains a database of detailed finite element models in SAP2000. 3DENT also performs time history and collapse analyses as detailed on our simulation engineering page.

Going on Location (GoL) Assessments
3DENT is a pioneer in the development of advanced analysis techniques for Going on Location. 3DENT has developed a methodology that realistically represents the behavior of jackups as the legs are lowered and make impact with the seabed. Analyses are performed with: frequency-domain diffraction analysis using WAMIT; structural analyses using SACS; time-domain response analyses using OrcaFlex; and proprietary software developed by 3DENT for the post-processing of results. 3DENT has performed GoL analyses for every major jackup design currently in operation. 3DENT has performed extensive research on GoL Analyses that includes CEL work to verify that the methodology is conservative (

Coming Off Location (CoL) Assessments
3DENT has developed methodologies for the analyses of jackups during the leg extraction process (also known as Coming Off Location assessments). These analyses cover everything from the global strength of the jackup to local detailed FE analyses of the spudcan and leg-to-spudcan connection.
For the global strength analyses of the jackup, 3DENT has developed coming off location curves for the acceptable wave heights vs period for which operations can proceed. The methodology accounts for changing effective soil stiffness as the unit transitions from all legs being fully stuck to having some legs fully stuck and some only partially stuck and finally all legs only being partially stuck prior to becoming free. These analyses account for not only the water depth and structural capacity of the legs/jacking system, but also the leg penetration and varying levels of soil fixity. The analyses also account for dynamic amplification effects.
For the local analyses of the spudcan and leg-to-spudcan connection, 3DENT has a working relationship with geotechnical experts in the use of CEL for the development of leg pulling loads.
For the global strength analyses of the jackup, 3DENT has developed coming off location curves for the acceptable wave heights vs period for which operations can proceed. The methodology accounts for changing effective soil stiffness as the unit transitions from all legs being fully stuck to having some legs fully stuck and some only partially stuck and finally all legs only being partially stuck prior to becoming free. These analyses account for not only the water depth and structural capacity of the legs/jacking system, but also the leg penetration and varying levels of soil fixity. The analyses also account for dynamic amplification effects.
For the local analyses of the spudcan and leg-to-spudcan connection, 3DENT has a working relationship with geotechnical experts in the use of CEL for the development of leg pulling loads.

Mooring Analyses
3Dent has experience in performing both quayside and operating mooring analyses for floating structures, including semisubmersibles, drillships and FOWTs. Analyses have been performed for both traditional catenary and semi-taught systems. Analyses are performed to API RP 2SK, ABS Nearshore Position Mooring, and ABS Position Mooring Systems. Analyses are typically performed as time domain simulations in both Orcaflex and ANSYS AQWA.

Punch Through Assessment
3DENT has extensive experience in punch through assessments. Analyses can be performed for numerous potential scenarios including for preloading with hull in the water and out. The inclusion of wave loads is also possible. Analyses are performed utilizing global FE models and detailed diffraction models for the hull. Assessments of the recovery phase from the punch through can also be performed. Advanced assessments of the soil structure interaction including penetration assessments can be performed utilizing CEL models through our partnerships with geotechnical experts. 3DENT is also experienced in the forensic examination of jackups/liftboats following a punch through.
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